
The Treasurers

Simon Béguin

Clément Delefortrie

General information about expenses

First of all, all expenses must be made by an AE club, and all expenses that do not fall within the scope of this club are prohibited.

Some expenses have to be approved by one of the treasurers :

  • Any expense above 200€
  • Any cohesion activity
  • Any travel expense
  • Any event participation

Some expenses have to be approved by the AE Board of Directors :

  • Any expense above 500€
  • A representative of the club will have to attend the Board of Directors meeting

The president or the treasurer of the club must absolutely check that money is available before every and all expenses.

Payment from the club’s account

To pay something by wire transfer straight from the club’s account, send an invoice addressed to “AE ISAE-SUPAERO SECTION [Club name]” to one of the treasurers.

To pay something by check or credit-card (with the checkbook or the credit card of the club), an invoice addressed to “AE ISAE-SUPAERO SECTION [Club name]” have to be send to either one of the treasurers within 7 days.

Expense report (to be reimbursed)

If you pay something yourself for your club, ask an invoice in your name.

Then, fill in an expense report (template available here) and send it as well as the invoice to one of the treasurers.


  • A single expense report can contain multiple expenses (so multiple linked invoices), but only one beneficiary.
  • Any illegal expense or an expense that has not been validated (see conditions above) will not be reimbursed!
  • An expense report must not contain personal expenses (if you went shopping for yourself and for your club, pay twice and ask for an invoice containing only the things regarding your club).

Travel request

Before any travel for a club, you will have to send one of the treasurers a travel request at least 7 days prior to the date of the travel (template available here).

For travels by car, provide a Mappy itinerary along with the travel request.

If you advance costs (train tickets for example), you will have to fill in an expense report.


  • As usual, any request that has not been sent or validated will not be reimbursed.

Lydia Pots

For events or similar things, do not hesitate to ask one of the treasurers to create a Lydia Pot for you !

It is very customizable and allows sales tracking.